
poem Borodino, M. Lermontov, for grade 5
a music video Pete Rostov based on Leo Tolstoy’s work War and Peace, for grade 5
Fable, Grade 5
recital of A. Pushkin’s By the side of the sea, a green oak..., Grade 5
M. Lermontov’s biography, for grades 5-6
a film on the motives of V. Rasputin’s French Class, for grade 6
Little Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, for grade 6
A. Chekhov’s biography, for grades 6 and 7
M. Saltykov-Shedrin's biography, for grade 7
N. Gogol’s biography, for grade 7
video based on A. Kuprin’s work Wonderful Doctor
video based on A. Kuprin’s work Wonderful Doctor
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn (1981)
Story of creation N. Gogol’s work Dead Souls, for grade 7
Demo lesson with Dimitry Bykov, “Dead Souls. In search of Volume 2”, for grade 7
Lay of Igor's Warfare, for grade 9
Eugene Onegin, a novel in verse, A. Pushkin, for grade
A Hero of Our Time, M. Lermontov (Bela), grade 9
A Hero of Our Time, M. Lermontov (Maxim Maksimych, Taman), grade 9
Story of creation of A Hero of Our Time, M. Lermontov, grade 9